Virtual Art Inc
. is an IT development company in the Province of Prince Edward Island, Canada. We do interactive multimedia, video, audio, and design websites. Below are some samples of our work.

Billy Bantam (English) - Farm safety cartoon
Billy Bantam (French) - Farm safety cartoon

Farm Safety Game - Educational game
Farm Safety Quiz - Educational interactive quiz

Charlottetown circa 1864 - An interactive 3D VRML historic world showing Province House and Great George St., Charlottetown, PEI as they were in 1864.

Spencer Soloduka & the Tearaways - Website for a local soul band.

Wally Young - Website for a local country band

Marcelay Beach House - Website for a vacation rental

Sizzler BBQ - Website for a portable bbq catering company


Scott Parsons album "The Old Stock" - Recording and cover design

Video Clips

Bubba Musica "Old Dublin"

Jordy Jorbit "Rubytown" by Bubba Musica

Scott Parsons "The Sheppard Accident"

One Summer Day - Time lapse video

Winter tweets that aren't from twitter...

For more information please contact us at or call 902 676 2516